Leadership Development

Ton Hoek Scholarship for Young Leaders

Applications for the 2024 Leadership Development Scholarships are closed.


What is the Ton Hoek scholarship for young leaders?

The FIP Foundation for Education and Research bestows an annual scholarship to one of the six Early Career Leadership Development (ECLD) Scholars selected in the previous year.   The selected individual is an early career pharmacist, pharmaceutical scientist, pharmacy educator, or pharmacy student (undergraduate or postgraduate) with outstanding leadership skills, as demonstrated by their project results completed after selection as an ECLD Scholar.

The objective of this scholarship is to recognise the work of a young leader in inspiring others to advance pharmacy practice, the pharmaceutical sciences and/or pharmacy education, and to give him or her the opportunity to attend the FIP congress in a second year  to improve his or her knowledge and skills and become better acquainted with the work of FIP.  By participating in the FIP Congress in a second year, the scholarship winner will advance their learning about global health issues shaping pharmacy and will have additional opportunities to meet other global leaders in pharmacy, thus advancing his or her career and expanding the network of FIP.

This scholarship is named after the late General Secretary of FIP, Mr Ton Hoek (1955-2012).

A.J.M. (Ton) Hoek was born in The Hague, in 1955 and studied Pharmacy at the State University of Leiden in the Netherlands. He obtained his Master of Science degree in 1983 and graduated as a pharmacist in 1984. He had training periods in both community and hospital pharmacy. During his student time he was active in the pharmaceutical student organisation Aesculapius and served as president during 1980/1981. After graduation as a pharmacist Ton Hoek joined the pharmaceutical industry and worked in several management positions both in R&D as well as in marketing.
From 1999 until he passed away in 2012, Ton Hoek was the General Secretary and Chief Executive Officer of FIP, the International Pharmaceutical Federation.

What does the Ton Hoek scholarship for young leaders include?

  • FIP Congress registration
  • ECPG Leadership Development Workshop participation (as a mentor to participants)
  • Hotel accommodation (maximum 5 nights)
  • A return ticket to the FIP Congress location (based on economy airfare)
  • One year Individual Membership of FIP

Apart from the financial benefits mentioned above, you will be recognised as a potential leader in the Global world of pharmacy and pharmaceutical science.

Likewise, you will be recognised at the Opening Ceremony of the selected FIP Congress as a young leader in pharmacy, the pharmaceutical sciences and/or pharmacy education at global level.

Who is eligible to apply?

Candidates are eligible if they have received the FIP Congress Early Career Leadership Development Scholarship the year before and completed the associated requirements of that award.

FIP Congress Early Career Leadership Development Scholarship awardees will be asked to complete an “Impact Project” as part of their involvement in the Leadership Development Workshop (LDW) that will have an impact on their home country. Aims of these impact projects:

  • Increase engagement in professional organizations relevant to your career path (i.e. – pharmacy practice, pharmaceutical sciences, etc.)
  • Increase engagement in FIP and FIP ECPG nationally (i.e. – through a national organization)

The Ton Hoek scholar will be selected from these 6 ECLD scholars based on the outcome of their projects and their professional participation in FIP and pharmacy organization activities.


  1. Applicants are required to provide proof of their identity and of their registration/enrolment in a college or faculty of pharmacy (for undergraduate or postgraduate students), or residency program or professional organisation, or any certification of their current professional or academic status.
  2. Demonstrated leadership in a particular area of expertise and/or influence at national, regional and/or international level for a sustained period of time of no less than two years
  3. Support and evidence provided by peers and/or supervisors who have or are witness to the leadership and engagement and can attest to the impact the applicant has had and continues to contribute to the advancement of pharmacy practice, the pharmaceutical sciences and/or pharmacy education.

How can applications be made?

The application should consist of:

  1. Proof of identity (e.g. copy of passport)
  2. A five-page (maximum) Essay describing the Impact Project by the applicant. The essay should include as much detail as possible about the concept, implementation, and impacts of the project. Any further planned activities and the timeline for completion of the project should also be included.
  3. The applicant’s curriculum vitae (CV) not exceeding two pages, highlighting the applicant’s academic background, language skills, professional experience and development, contributions in terms of leadership and innovation and any other elements the applicant considers relevant for the application.
  4. A recent photograph of the applicant.

When is the application deadline?

Completed applications must be submitted by 1 March of the year in which the FIP Congress takes place. All applications will be acknowledged. Any applications that do not comply with the formal requirements described in these guidelines will not be accepted/considered.

How are applications assessed and selected?

All valid applications will be reviewed and assessed by the Board of the FIP Foundation, and a decision will be made based on the demonstrated engagement of the applicant and the impact of his or her leadership activities in advancing pharmacy practice, the pharmaceutical sciences or pharmacy education.

The Board’s decision will be final and unappealable. All applicants will be informed of the Board’s decision once it has been made, but no reasons for the decision will be provided. Any attempt to lobby the Board of the Foundation will result in disqualification of the applicant.

The Board’s decisions will be announced at least three months prior to the FIP Congress/conference.

What about the successful applicant?

  1. The successful applicant needs to register for the Congress with a special code that will be provided to them, to obtain a complimentary registration fee.
  2. The successful applicant will receive 50% of the total amount in Euros (€) before the Congress by bank transfer upon receipt of a completed reimbursement form with as many original receipts attached as possible. The remaining 50% will be transferred after the Congress upon receipt of the final report (see paragraph below) and reimbursement form with the remaining original receipts/invoices attached

What is expected from scholarship winners?

  1. To attend the entire duration of the FIP Congress
  2. To be present at the Opening Ceremony of the FIP Congress, where the scholarship will be acknowledged.
  3. To attend the Leadership Development Workshop (LDW) at the beginning of the FIP Congress and the Early Career Social Night during the FIP Congress. They will also present the results of their Impact Project to LDW attendees.
  4. To attend certain meetings during the congress, as defined by the Board of the Foundation.
    1. To submit to the Board of the Foundation a brief report (maximum two pages) within 30 days of the FIP Congress, including the following elements:
      1. A description of the applicant’s activities carried out during the congress and an evaluation of the objectives achieved;
      2. The occasions where the FIP Foundation for Education and Research was/will be acknowledged;
  5. A description of how the applicant proposes to use the experience and knowledge gained through the Congress; The report should be submitted electronically, and it may be used in the International Pharmacy Journal (IPJ), for publicity purposes, and/or to report to the Foundation’s contributors accounting for the disposition of funds. It should be written with these objectives in mind.

    Note: By accepting the scholarship, the applicant automatically grants FIP and the FIP Foundation for Education and Research permission to use any materials associated with the application (including the applicant’s photograph) as described above.